Friday, June 24, 2011

Please give me a moment while I google that.

So the mysterious land of Azerbaijan, neighbor of the Caspian Sea and Caucasus Mountains... here's a little info for those of you who don't know (which is probably most).

Country Facts:
Official Name:   Azerbaycan Respublikasi
Capital:  Baku
Population: 7,830,000
Currency:  Manat
Exchange Rate to the $: 1AZN = $1.27
Language: Azerbaijani
Government: Presidential Republic
Famous for: Oil, Saffron, & Cavier
                                                                                                                  Miles from Rhode Island: 5,680
Kilometers from Rhode Island: 9,140
Neighbors: Russia (North), Iran (South), Caspian Sea (East) & Armenia and Georgia (West)
Salutations:  Salam Aleykum (Hello), Lutfan (Please), Tasakkur Adiram (Thank You)
Time Difference Between  Rhode Island (EST) and Baku:  +9 Hours

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Invitation has arrived!!!!

It's Here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I have been formally accepted to serve in the United States Peace Corps service in the Republic of Azerbaijan. I will be working as a Community Economic Development Advisor, leaving September 22nd!

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Patience is a Virtue Part II

I have now relocated back to the U.S. and I am in round 2 of Placement and am now playing the waiting game. 440 days since application and counting.

So according to my Placement Officer, she is now looking at programs departing between Oct-Dec. Cross-refrenced with PCWiki the Business Development programs leaving are...

Mexico, Guatamala, Panama, Dominican Republic,Kazakhstan, and Nicauragua
Macedonia,Vanuatu, Cameroon, Peru, Togo, Ukraine, Azerbaijan, and Paraguay

Burkina Faso
Niger suspended January 2011

October (All Business)
Tonga, Kenya, Burkina Faso, Niger, Costa Rica, Rwanda, and Samoa