Thursday, September 9, 2010

Medical Clearance

Hey there!

So I am currently knee-deep in the arduous task of completing my Medical Clearance for the Peace Corps. As I am currently residing in the United Kingdom, each step seems to take 3 extra, and most immunizations have to be translated (yes translated) or explained, or special ordered…it is exhausting but I know it will be worth it when it comes down to the assignment.

This is the final step before I am given my official invitation, which will contain my country and project and departure date!

I received my nomination the end of June, so it has been a busy couple of months. I have been informed by the Dentist that I will need my wisdom teeth taken out, which is of course a 3 month waiting list to get it done on the NHS. I am a little hesitant to get any form of oral surgery done in the land of Bad Teeth, but what can you do…it’s free. Anyway…some day soon I will submit my medical forms and I will be cleared and have my assignment! Fingers Crossed..


  1. Hey there,
    I just came across your blog. As someone living in London and also applying to the Peace Corps, do you think it's better to try and do the medical/dental in the US or deal with the NHS?


  2. Hey Orla, there are definite ups and downs to both. On the NHS I found the application to be far more extensive than anything they are used to handling. That being said, a lot of my expenses were covered. For me if was more of a time constraint that I had to get it done. If you have any specific questions, let me know. I would be happy to go into more detail! Good Luck


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