Hillary Clinton visits the PCV Softball League |
So Many have people asked what they can do to help along my service. I am co-captaining one of the new Azerbaijan Softball teams in Quba!!! I am really excited to participate in the youth community in such a positive way.
However, if we do not raise enough money, our team may be cut due to lack of funding. The funding is for transport to the games, uniforms, and equipement. This is an awesome way to contribute to my service. Please do what you can, even if it's $1 or $5, everything helps!!!!
The following is all the information regarding the league. Thanks in Advance!!!!
This league is not possible without the generosity of individuals/organizations like you/yours. We are currently seeking financial contribution for our 2012 season. Thus far, the local communities have contributed $7,321.05 (43%) to the league’s total operational funds. With plans to expand the league to fifteen teams and add more tournaments to the schedule, we need your help now more than ever. Your generous, tax-deductable donation will help cover transportation costs, allowing teams to travel to tournaments and ensuring that we are able to continue this valuable youth project.
If you are reading this blog, you already know that I am currently a United States Peace Corps Volunteer (PCV) serving in the Republic of Azerbaijan, a small Eastern European/Central Asian country on the Caspian Sea. In 2006, a few baseball-loving PCVs decided to start a youth softball league. After soliciting donors in America for equipment and travel funds, they gathered the very enthusiastic youth of their communities and Azerbaijani softball was born! That first year fielded four teams. Since then, the league has tripled in size, with twelve teams having competed in tournaments this past season (2011).
The Azerbaijan Interregional Softball League (AISL) has been one of Peace Corps Azerbaijan’s largest projects, with more than 200 youth participants from all over the country. It is a project that has allowed the Azeri youth to compete in a friendly environment, exhibit community pride, and travel their country. In addition to teaching the rules and skills of the game, the main goals of the league are to promote healthy lifestyles, teamwork, sportsmanship, self-discipline, respect, and gender equality. Seeing my community’s youth develop and implement such important life skills has been truly inspiring.
Donating is very simple and can be done online by visiting our PCPP (Peace Corps Partnership Program) grant at: https://www.peacecorps.gov/index.cfm?shell=donate.contribute.projDetail&projdesc=314-091 . Our goal is to raise $9,616 by May, the start of our 2012 season.
Remember, especially before the new year starts, any donations you make are 100% tax-deductible.
By supporting our National Pastime, you can help support the youth of Azerbaijan. Please join us today so that we can play ball tomorrow! Any Amount will help!
Warmest Regards,
Corina Langlois
United States Peace Corps Volunteer, Azerbaijan
Hillary Clinton visits the PCV Softball League |
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