So the mysterious land of Azerbaijan, neighbor of the Caspian Sea and Caucasus Mountains... here's a little info for those of you who don't know (which is probably most).
Official Name: Azerbaycan Respublikasi
Capital: Baku
Population: 7,830,000
Currency: Manat
Exchange Rate to the $: 1AZN = $1.27
Language: Azerbaijani
Government: Presidential Republic
Famous for: Oil, Saffron, & Cavier
Miles from Rhode Island: 5,680
Kilometers from Rhode Island: 9,140
Neighbors: Russia (North), Iran (South), Caspian Sea (East) & Armenia and Georgia (West)
Salutations: Salam Aleykum (Hello), Lutfan (Please), Tasakkur Adiram (Thank You)
Time Difference Between Rhode Island (EST) and Baku: +9 Hours
Time Difference Between Rhode Island (EST) and Baku: +9 Hours