Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Patience is a Virtue Part II

I have now relocated back to the U.S. and I am in round 2 of Placement and am now playing the waiting game. 440 days since application and counting.

So according to my Placement Officer, she is now looking at programs departing between Oct-Dec. Cross-refrenced with PCWiki the Business Development programs leaving are...

Mexico, Guatamala, Panama, Dominican Republic,Kazakhstan, and Nicauragua
Macedonia,Vanuatu, Cameroon, Peru, Togo, Ukraine, Azerbaijan, and Paraguay

Burkina Faso
Niger suspended January 2011

October (All Business)
Tonga, Kenya, Burkina Faso, Niger, Costa Rica, Rwanda, and Samoa


  1. Hey Corina- I'm a fellow business nominee trying to depart this fall (my original nomination) and I just received the dreaded "budget cuts" email. I am fighting hard to try and depart this fall, and although my nomination was for French-speaking Sub-Saharan Africa, I am telling them I'll be flexible location wise if that means I can leave this fall. Just curious, where on the Peace Corps Wiki site did you find a listing of specific programs departing this fall? I saw the Staging Dates section but it didn't list what programs each of those countries had. Thanks! And congrats on making it this far... I, too, started my application process in February 2010 and interviewed in April. It has been going on so long that I just want to go already!

  2. Hey Emily! It's nice to hear someone on a similar timeline. It's definitely been a test of patience lol. In true PC nominee stalker fashion I looked up the countries which had volunteers by sector(http://www.peacecorpswiki.org/Calculator) and then cross referenced those with the month each country left last year. I'm sure whatever I hear will probably be a curveball, but it's nice to try and figure it out. GoodLuck with everything and let me know how you make out! I have my final placement interview call today.

  3. Hey ladies! I too am awaiting my invite for this October. I was originally nominated for sub-Saharan Africa for this May/June doing Business Advising but due to my Medical taking forever I missed my original nomination. I finally cleared medical last month and had my placement interview last Tuesday with a new nomination of Africa doing Small Business Development in Africa for early October. She told me she'd be contacting me within 1-2 weeks with what i think/hope will be an invite! With PCWiki it looks like Kenya, maybe you both will be on that trip with me! :). Good luck with everything!


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