This is due in part to the fact that I hand wash them and dry then on clothes lines, and in part to the fact that I am a lot thinner now than I was 3 months ago (down almost 18 pounds (8 kilo)).
2. While once known for my vocabulary, I know speak like a 3 year old in a language I had never heard of as of 3 months ago.
3. It is not uncommon for me to pass cows and chickens on my walk to work. Or get chased by geese on a casual village stroll.
4. I now know what it is like to live without consistent running water, gas/heat and electricity. As in everyday, at least one is not working.
5. I am lucky now if I shower once a week. If my shower day falls on a day without running water, we pump it and heat it in a bucket on the gas stove. Also, on day 5 of no showering, I am still stared at by men in a desirable fashion...go figure.
6. I am no longer an only child! I currently have 1 brother and 3 sisters in Quba, and 2 more sisters in Ceyranbaton. I also now have 3 mothers, and 3 fathers (only one of each that are real though :) )
7. It is not uncommon when riding a Marshrutka (van-like bus transportation) with 15 or so people, to be accompanied by farm animals. If you are bored, don't worry though, sometimes there are holes in the floor that allow you to watch the road. No one in American can every complain about transportation to me ever again. Until you are in one of these for 8 hours, you don't even know...
8. I celebrated my 1st Christmas in a Muslim country.
9. People think I'm weird if I wear different clothes each day. If you have a good outfit, you will wear it for a week straight.
10. I use high speed Internet in the office, and then walk down the hallway to use the squat toilet...a contradictory country most definitely.