Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Novruz Bayram - Bayramınız Mübarək!

Novruz is quite possibly the biggest holiday in Azerbaijan. It celebrates the coming of Spring, and takes place on the 4 Tuesdays in March, culminating on the finally Thursday. Each Tuesday, or Chershenbescelebrates one of the elements. It includes a series of traditional meals, as well as fun activities and games for children.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Novruz_in_Azerbaijan - For more reading
Novruz Concert in Quba
Novruz Concert in Quba

Arguably the most important aspect of the Novruz holiday ( and any other holiday in Azrebaijan) is an array of delicious foods and sweets. For a few recipes and more information try http://www.azcookbook.com/

The Khoncha which is a holiday tray filled with treats

The səməni - its sprouts symbolizing new life and spring


Dolma (Grape Leaf)




Fire Jumping... It is tradition to make a wish and then jump over the fire 3 times.

My Host Siblings (Left to Right) Sadiga, Ferhad, Amina & Me!

My Host sister Sadiga & I

My Host brother Ferhad Jumping

I made my wish, here I go!

My Host sister Amina Jumping

My friend Josh who lives in Ucar, jumping

Part of Novruz is making all sorts of wish and fortune telling games. 

Listening at neighbors... Women listen at the doors of their neighbors. If they hear positive talking, then it means their future will be good.

Amina listening

Trying to listen

My host sisters
Many Games to be played...
Egg cracking game

Clearly my brother won

If you toss the shoe, and it ends upright, your wish will come true

You drip candle wax into a bowl of water, it will "spell out"
 the 1st letter of your future fiance's name

Won't tell you what letter I got ;)

You take a piece of your hair, and put a ring on it.
Then you dip it in a glass of water 3 times and hold still.
 You start counting and the number you have when the ring
 stops moving is the age when you will get married.
I also went to visit my host family from training, back in Ceyranbaton (my village).

My Training (PST) Host Mom, Sister & Dad

Helping Ata (Azeri word for Father) cut the meat for Kebabs!

My Host sisters (Gunel - Left, Vusala - Right) & I!

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